Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Who's gonna bring me a chicken dinner?

While I definitely could use a live in chef, this chicken dinner is because I'm a winner!! I won the gorgeous, and inaugural, give away at Honeycomb Creative Co.  If you haven't checked out Courtney's blog, you need to, go now!  Well finish reading this, then go. 

Show the readers what Beth won, Bob.
You're jealous, it's ok, I would be too!  That compote/bowl will be DEEE-VINE in my newly finished open shelves in the kitchen.  Yep, I did it.  If we ever get sunshine again in Central Ohio I will take some pictures and show you! 

When I receive my beautiful gift I will also post pictures.  Until then, read up over at Courtney's!


  1. Congratulations Beth. Yes, it's an awesome prize. Love your blog!

    Lisa x

  2. Love the shape of that bowl, Beth! Yes, you're right- if we get sun it will be none too soon! What an awful tease we had with all that sunshine recently! Now it's winter again. ICK
    Congrats on your win. :-)

  3. Fabulous win! Can't wait to see the kitchen shelves!!


    P.S. What did you break?!?!?!

  4. I just love your blog and style! I became a follower! :) Erin
